Saturday, June 14, 2008 

8 Beauty Tips

The number one natural beauty tip I can give you is to take your health seriously. In Chinese medicine, we know that natural external beauty is a reflection of inner health and well being. Often, the solution to external beauty problems is an internal one. That means foods and herbs. In the case of skin problems, herbs can be use to create creams or wraps and applied directly.

In Chinese medicine, we treat problems like acne, blemishes, and other skin problems, hair loss, and premature graying of the hair. Some of this you may need to see a Chinese medicine herbalist for, but some of it you may be able to deal with yourself. I'm going to give you natural beauty tip after natural beauty tip to help you do just that.

Natural Beauty Tip #1 - Eyes Lacking Luster

What does it mean? You can see it in babies and young children - bright, glowing eyes. Our oldest Chinese medicine classic (written between 200-500 B.C.) states that "the essence of the internal organs ascends to the eyes." The Bible says something similar, "Your eyes are windows into your body. If you open your eyes wide in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light." Clear and glittering (shining) eyes indicate vitality of mind and essence. Dull, clouded eyes reflect a disturbed mind, and weakened essence - this often happens in people with long term and deep emotional problems.

How can you fix it? Well, first of all, if you have some emotional problems, work through it with a professional- either a counselor, therapist, or someone within your religion. This is one part of getting to the clear, vibrant personality that shines through in bright eyes. It may take a while to get there. Second, you can take herbs and eat foods that benefit the eyes.

Probably the best Chinese herb for the eyes is lycium fruit (gou qi zi). Other herbs are black sesame seeds (hei zhi ma), and privet fruit (nu zhen zi). Good foods for the eyes include shepherd's purse, undried raspberry (fu pen zi), and animal liver.

Natural Beauty Tip #2 - Bags Under Your Eyes

Bags under the eyes indicate Kidney-system (root energy) deficiency, blood stagnation, or allergies. Respectively, the solutions are to increase energy and minimize overwork; get more movement and circulation; and find the allergy cause, eliminate it, and take anti-allergenic herbs and foods.

The Kidney-system energy is limited. If you overwork, have too much sex, or use more energy than your digestive system can produce, you'll dip into this limited energy fund. This can lead to more than circles under your eyes- you can end up with premature aging and hair loss, impotence and infertility, and ankle, knee, and lower back problems. If that's your problem, try to practice moderation, eat better, and take supplemental herbs and foods like black cohosh, Chinese chive, mutton, walnut, oysters, pork, dried rehmannia (sheng di), Chinese yam (shan yao), and horny goat weed (yin yang huo).

Blood stagnation can mean sharpn stabbing pains; clots and dark blood in the menstruation; irregular menstruation; and hard spots in the abdomen. If you have this, try celery, rose, yellow soybean, seaweed, mung bean, corn, eggplant, cucumber, and hemlock parsley (chuan xiong).

For allergies, get both IgG and IgE done for both external (skin test) and food allergies (blood test). If you find something substantial, avoid it! For food and herbs, try garlic, fresh ginger, royal jelly, chicken, beef, chestnut, astragalus (huang qi), kudzu vine (ge gen), and welsh onion (cong bai).

Natural Beauty Tip #3 - Acne

This is literally too much heat - your face has become a volcano just to let it out! Try mung bea, seagrass, seaweed, Chinese hawthorn (shan zha), Job's tears (yi yi ren), and purple sage (dan shen). Avoid spicy foods, greasy foods, and fried foods. Try some raw vegetables, too.

Natural Beauty Tip #4 - Dry Skin

Moistening herbs and foods are soy, spinach, asparagus, millet, barley, salt, seaweed, apple, tangerine, pinenut, persimmon, peanut, pear, honey, oysters, and clams. A seaweed facial wrap would be nice, too!

Natural Beauty Tip #5 - Eczema

Try guava, clam, irish potato, he shou wu, wild chrysanthemum, mugwort, Job's tears (yi yi ren), and asian dandelion (pu gong ying). Avoid spicy foods, greasy foods, and fried foods.

Natural Beauty Tip #6 - Psoriasis

Try turnip root leaf, vinegar, grapefruit, black plum (wu mei), cloves (ding xian), and dang gui (aka dong quai).

Natural Beauty Tip #7 - Prematurely Graying Hair

This can happen for two reasons- either you have a root energy (Kidney system) deficiency (for more information and solutions, see the Kidney deficiency information up under natural beauty tip #2), or you have what is called 'hot blood.' The second one happens with bleeding, nosebleed, skin ulcers, and urinary difficulties. For hot blood, take black soybean, processed dried persimmons, processed rehmannia (shu di huang), and dried rehmannia (shu di huang).

Natural Beauty Tip #8 - Premature Aging

This is another Kidney-system deficiency.

Try walnut, chicken, duck, he shou wu, Chinese ginseng, deer antler velvet (the deers aren't harmed! Lu rong), astragalus (huang qi), lycium fruit (gou qi zi), horny goat weed (yin yang huo), caterpillar larva fungus (dong chong xia cao), and red date (da zao).


Sionneau & Gang. The Treatment of Disease in TCM: Volume 2.

Lu. Chinese Herbs with Common Foods: Recipes for Health and Healing.

Pitchford. Healing With Whole Foods.

Maciocia. The Foundations of Chinese Medicine.

Posted by omaze1 at 8:09 AM 0 comments


There are lots of beauty tips to help one look better, tips to get ready fast when in hurry, tips to make up while traveling, and tips to utilize your unused or old make up stuff which you don't understand what to do with. Certain tips are so useful in day-to-day use from the kitchen of our home that can make whole lot of difference in your overall appearance.

Here are few tips about changing eating and drinking habits to get a more beautiful and fresh skin:

* When gets up in the morning, do not wash off the oil which you get on your face, specially around your nose and chin, rather spread this oil from your nose to all over face in upward strokes. It's the natural oil, which your body produces and is very good for one's skin to keep it young and supple. After that you can wash your face but without soap. First face wash of the morning should be just with water.

* Fill water in your mouth and then splash water on your face and on eyes. It's a kind of exercise.

* Drink 2 glass of lukewarm water in the morning empty stomach with a spoonful of honey and lemon juice added to it. It's good to clean your stomach, and detoxify the toxins. With the consumption of this skin starts glowing within a month.

* Cut off the use of caffeinated and saturated drinks. Stop eating much of junk and fried food, which spoils the body and damages the skin.

* Rather drink lots of water at least 8-10 glasses of water in a day. Fresh juices and even buttermilk is good to keep you fit and healthy.

* Try to walk whenever you get an opportunity. Exercise is must for a healthy mind, body and skin. If your schedule is too busy to get time to workout then get it this way. Try to climb stairs then taking lift. Park your car a little more away from your destination so that you will have to walk.

* Always sit in a right posture and keep your abs muscles tight. It will strengthen your tummy muscles and make it look flatter.

* Always breathe properly. The correct breathing pattern makes surprising difference to your body and skin. When inhale air should reach till abdomen and when exhale you should feel light in your abdomen.

* Always add green fresh salads with your meals. This will reduce the quantity of food calories you are eating and will help you remain fit.

* Consume more of fruits and vegetables with a balanced healthy diet.

* Do wash face often but not every time with soap. If you are working keep wiping off your face with wet tissues.

* Whenever in the kitchen, you can rub lemon peel from the pulp side on your face to get rid of the grease and can apply any fruit juice on face with a cotton roll. You can wash it off after few minutes.

Now here are some beauty tips related to make up and facial beauty:

* To start with the morning, wash your face with water and when you take bath use mild soap on your face. Apply a good moisturizer depending on your skin type and remember that if should be having sun protection. Never go out without applying sunscreen lotion.

* Apply a light lip color or lip-gloss in a shade, which suits your skin tone. You can put a dab of foundation on your lips before putting the applying the lip color as it helps to stay it for longer.

* For eyes eye liner and eye pencil are available in many shades. Choose a good brand. You can apply brown eye pencil to give them a softer look. Use dry eye pencil on oily skin and do avoid eyeliner on small eyes rather use eye pencil to define them.

* You can curl your lashes with mascara even if you don't want to put any other eye make up, you can use mascara.

* Use light eye shades on your eyelids for day use.

* You can use compact powder a shade lighter to your skin tone on your face and neck to give it a finishing touch.

* Always apply body lotion on your skin after having bath all over your body. It keeps your skin smooth and keeps the skin tone even.

* Avoid using foundation for daily usage. Use it just for parties and functions and let your skin breathe.

* Use a mild scrubber on your skin once in a week to remove black heads and dead skin and face packs to rejuvenate your skin.

* Always sleep after cleaning your skin by removing your make up. Baby lotion or baby oil is good make up remover and can be used even to remove eye make up.

* Use a good cleanser, toner and moisturizer on your skin before going to bed. You can choose a good night cream based on your skin type and your age. As for women who are 30 plus the requirement of creams are totally different than teen-age girls.

Posted by omaze1 at 8:06 AM 0 comments

Lotions for Skin Care

A number of breakthrough lotions formulas are being released in the market. There are different variants of bath lotion for dry skin, oily skin, and normal skin. There is also what's is called milk bath skin lotion

That every one can use to maximize that nourishing effect. Choosing the right lotion for your skin is essential to ensure that perfect glow. Just know your skin type and match it with the lotion you are to buy. You can never go wrong with that Bath lotions are the ones that are supposed to use right after you took a shower. This is the type of lotion you need to apply if you stayed in the tub too long that wrinkles are showing in your fingers and toes. These lotions replace the essential oils that are normally washed off every time you take a bath. Plus, it also helps in maintaining the skin's moisture. This is exactly how a bath lotion for dry skin works.


Posted by omaze1 at 7:39 AM 0 comments

Avoid These Mistakes On Your Weight Loss Program

Although you may not realize it, when you decide to begin a fitness and weight loss plan, you're really hoping to lose fat instead of other types of weight. Regrettably, many diet programs result in muscle loss rather than fat loss.

The Big Fat Problem

Many times the weight loss diet of choice is to reduce calories considerably. Sometimes a fitness routine is put in place but it usually consists of cardio only. Although this type of program will result in weight loss, most of it ends up being water and muscle rather than fat.

Sometimes a thin person will have a considerable amount of cellulite and wonder why. Well, sometimes there is a genetic factor that comes into play and there's little that can be changed. However, usually to blame is a lack of muscle tone. Through a modest amount of strength training and muscle development, most of the dimples could be removed.

The phenomenon of a "skinny fat person" can be explained by looking at body fat. Oftentimes thin people will register a low number on the scale but their body fat percentage is through the roof. Even though they might look attractive at first glance, upon closer inspection it becomes apparent that their health and fitness levels are not what they appear to be.

A similar problem is often faced by the on again, off again dieter who loses weight by following a strict diet only to regain the pounds once the diet is over. When this cycle continues a number of times it's referred to as yo-yo dieting. It's a harmful practice that ultimately reduces metabolism, decreases muscle mass and increases fat levels in the body. If you have found yourself in a similar position, you know how hard it is to reverse.

A better diet plan solution...

While things become more difficult once this cycle has been set into motion, there is a way out. However, it requires a change in attitude and healthy diet practices that become a permanent part of your lifestyle. There are no easy answers here.

First, establish a healthy eating program that focuses on good nutrition. Next, commit the time to workout and incorporate both cardio and strength training exercises into the plan. Don't worry if the scale creeps up at first. If you are building some muscle it probably will. Instead, pay attention to how you feel and how your clothes fit. You should notice an increase in energy levels as well.

A good diet program takes into account a person's lifestyle. If your plan does not allow you to do the things you love, you need to find one that does. Consistency rules - especially when it comes to weight control.

Posted by omaze1 at 7:37 AM 0 comments

Beauty and Make up tips

Mastering the art of makeup has never been so easy. At last you can get the makeup looks you want - whether you are aiming for dramatic forties glitz, a swinging sixties monochrome effect, pretty pastels, or a natural look. All you have to do is follow our step-by-step beauty tips to learn exactly how to apply the perfect makeup for the most stunning results. delivers smart beauty information on makeup tips , skin care and cosmetics, hair care, hair styles, eye care, hand and feet care, home made recipes, beauty products and many others that will help you highlight your natural beauty with emphasis on proper use of beauty and makeup products and an update on the latest cosmetics products and tips.

"Some are lucky to be born beautiful, while others can equip themselves with our vast treasure of beauty and makeup tips provided.." BRIGHTEN UP YOUR LIFE WITH OUR BEAUTY ADVICE

Discover the key to glowing and healthy skin, whether you are a teenager or a grandmother.

Learn why less stress, more sleep and healthier food are vital for looking good and feeling great.

Treat yourself to home-made beauty remedies, including face masks, exfoliators and conditioners.

Polish up on your nail know-how with this guide to glamorous nails.

Test Out new makeup ideas and learn what makes you feel good. skin, whether you are a teenager or a grandmother.

Know how to maintain, manage hair styles and haircuts.

Learn the risks and procedures involved in cosmetics surgery.

Discover why it is important to protect yourself from the sun's harmful UV rays.

Find treatments to all beauty and skin disorders including nail diseases.

Posted by omaze1 at 6:51 AM 0 comments

How to Choose the Right Moisturizer for Your Skin

When looking for the right kind of moisturizer for your skin you should consider many things before just going and buying any product off the shelves. These things should be skin type, time of year, as well as cost of the product you are looking at.

Skin Types

Oily skin is described as shiny with a dull color to it. Chronically oily skin has large pores and often has blackheads or pimples that can be either large or small. There are many causes to this type of skin a few of which are hormone levels, heredity, diet, and the weather. Natural oils such as Olive oil are actually good for oily skin types, they help break down the body's oil and replace it with good oil.

Dry skin can be described by a dull flat tight look. This skin type often suffers from a tight itchy feeling and the skin can flake or chap and crack easily. This skin type can be caused by a lot of the same things as oily skin such as heredity, diet, and hormones.

Combination skin is skin that has both oily patches as well as dry patches and is a very typical skin type for the face. Often the T zone is where the oily patches are; the T zone is the forehead, nose, and chin. Often this area is affected by acne or can be more greasy feeling then the rest of your skin. The dry patches are often the cheeks where they can become so dry some people may experience flaking or chapping.

Sensitive skin is skin that is thin or fine in texture. If you have sensitive skin you probably have allergic reactions to many products including detergents, cosmetics and alcohol that is used in many skin care products. Sensitive skin burns easily as well as can get windburned more easily.


Dermatologists recommend that you always use a moisturizer that contains a sun screen. SPF is important to give you the sun protection you need. During the summer months you can even find moisturizers that contain tint for a nice tanned look.

Some products like Aveno have clearly labeled bottles that tell you what the skin type each different product is best for. Aveno is best for sensitive skin as well as to be used during winter months when dry skin can be at its worst.

Neutrogena is one of the top recommended products for skin care by dermatologists and can be found in just about any drug store, chain store, or super market. Neutrogena is a product that is especially good for people who suffer from oily skin types or acne that is often caused by oily skin.

State Senators John Cullerton (D-6th District) and Heather Steans (D-7th District) will present a bill to the Illinois State Legislature Insurance Committee on May 8th that could have life or death consequences for the citizens of Illinois. Introduced by Rep. Fred Crespo (D-44th District), HB 1432 will strengthen the Illinois mental health insurance parity law by providing fair and equal insurance coverage for those suffering from anorexia nervosa and bulimia.

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