Hammer Film Noir Double Feature, Vol. 1 - Movie Trailers
Wow! I really loved the movie Hammer Film Noir Double Feature, Vol. 1. The movie is absolutely stunning with top-notch graphics and visuals while Barbara Payton deliver some award-winning performances in this movie. I also think Frederick Valk was great! The visuals and graphics make for some very realistic on screen special-effects but that is the beauty of the movie.When the movie wants to be funny it is funny, the same is true for when the movie needs to deliver its scary aspects.
I think Barbara Payton and Frederick Valk worked wonderful in Hammer Film Noir Double Feature, Vol. 1. The great supporting cast includes Barbara Payton, Frederick Valk, John Slater, Sid James, Tony Wright.
You should see it, make no mistake this is a definite blockbuster!
I left some information, immages, and video previews of Hammer Film Noir Double Feature, Vol. 1 below.
Summary of Hammer Film Noir Double Feature, Vol. 1:
In 1950, Hammer Films set up a deal with American Producer Robert L. Lippert to produce low-budget crime dramas to be made in the UK. Lippert would send over a shop-worn Hollywood star or promising American newcomer to give the films box-office appeal in the states, supported by the usual fine casts of British character actors that make most British movies worth watching. This five-year arrangement produced over a dozen well-made little B-noirs that seemed to have fallen through the film history cracks.....until now. VCI AND Kit Parker Films are happy to offer another look at these dark, moody pictures made by the company that became one of Britain's most prolific film producers of the 1960's, many directed by Hammer's top director, Terence Fisher, cutting his teeth on mystery and suspense. The Collector's Set contains the Hammer Film Noir Volumes 1 thru 3. Bonus Features: Scene Selection| Bios| Promo Trailer| Photo Gallery| Bonus Comments: The World Of Hammer Noir by Richard M Roberts. Specs: 3-DVD9s; Dolby Digital; 457 minutes; B&W; 1.33:1 Aspect Ratio; MPAA - R; Year - 1953, 1952, 1954; SRP - $29.99.

Watch Hammer Film Noir Double Feature, Vol. 1 online by clicking here!
Hammer Film Noir Double Feature, Vol. 1 Trailer:
You can get Hammer Film Noir Double Feature, Vol. 1 at www.Amazon.com as well.
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I think Barbara Payton and Frederick Valk worked wonderful in Hammer Film Noir Double Feature, Vol. 1. The great supporting cast includes Barbara Payton, Frederick Valk, John Slater, Sid James, Tony Wright.
You should see it, make no mistake this is a definite blockbuster!
Click Here To Download Hammer Film Noir Double Feature, Vol. 1 Online!
I left some information, immages, and video previews of Hammer Film Noir Double Feature, Vol. 1 below.
Summary of Hammer Film Noir Double Feature, Vol. 1:
In 1950, Hammer Films set up a deal with American Producer Robert L. Lippert to produce low-budget crime dramas to be made in the UK. Lippert would send over a shop-worn Hollywood star or promising American newcomer to give the films box-office appeal in the states, supported by the usual fine casts of British character actors that make most British movies worth watching. This five-year arrangement produced over a dozen well-made little B-noirs that seemed to have fallen through the film history cracks.....until now. VCI AND Kit Parker Films are happy to offer another look at these dark, moody pictures made by the company that became one of Britain's most prolific film producers of the 1960's, many directed by Hammer's top director, Terence Fisher, cutting his teeth on mystery and suspense. The Collector's Set contains the Hammer Film Noir Volumes 1 thru 3. Bonus Features: Scene Selection| Bios| Promo Trailer| Photo Gallery| Bonus Comments: The World Of Hammer Noir by Richard M Roberts. Specs: 3-DVD9s; Dolby Digital; 457 minutes; B&W; 1.33:1 Aspect Ratio; MPAA - R; Year - 1953, 1952, 1954; SRP - $29.99.
Click on images below to see Hammer Film Noir Double Feature, Vol. 1 online :

Watch Hammer Film Noir Double Feature, Vol. 1 online by clicking here!
Hammer Film Noir Double Feature, Vol. 1 Trailer:
You can get Hammer Film Noir Double Feature, Vol. 1 at www.Amazon.com as well.
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