Gitana Tenias Que Ser Review!
Gitana Tenias Que Ser A unique, one-of-a-kind movie! Both Pedro Infante and Carmen Sevilla has earned overwhelmingly positive reviews and is considered by many to be one of the best films of the year! Maybe thats what makes the movie so good.The great cast includes Pedro Infante, Carmen Sevilla, Estrellita Castro, Chula Prieto, ngel Garasa. The movie moves on like a dream and end leaving you wanting for more.
If you love watching Pedro Infante or Carmen Sevilla, you are deffinetly going to want to watch Gitana Tenias Que Ser.
The Spanish Gypsy singer Pastora (Sevilla) arrives in Mexico with her cousin, aunt and uncle. She is to film a movie with mariachi Pablo (Infante) as the lead. He meets her at the airport and they dislike each other immediately. Later things begin to change after they sing at the Plaza Garibaldi. Just as Pablo tries to kiss her, photographers interrupt them and she thinks it was all for publicity. She leaves angrily. After the filming of the movie is concluded, Pastora goes to the airport to return to Spain but Pablo stops her at the last minute and true love wins out. In Spanish No Subtitles La cantante gitana Pastora (Sevilla) llega de Espaa a Mxico acompaada de sus tos y su prima para filmar una pelcula con el mariachi Pablo (Infante) en el papel principal. Este va a recogerla al aeropuerto e inmediatamente nace la antipata entre los dos. Ms tarde, las cosas cambian cuando cantan en la Plaza Garibaldi. Justo cuando Pablo la va a besar, los fotgrafos los interrumpen y Pastora, pensando que todo haba sido un ardid publicitario, se enoja y se va. Al terminar la filmacin de la pelcula, Pastora se va al aeropuerto para volver a Espaa, pero en el ltimo instante, Pablo la detiene para que el amor verdadero gane al final. In Spanish No Subtitles
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If you love watching Pedro Infante or Carmen Sevilla, you are deffinetly going to want to watch Gitana Tenias Que Ser.
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The Spanish Gypsy singer Pastora (Sevilla) arrives in Mexico with her cousin, aunt and uncle. She is to film a movie with mariachi Pablo (Infante) as the lead. He meets her at the airport and they dislike each other immediately. Later things begin to change after they sing at the Plaza Garibaldi. Just as Pablo tries to kiss her, photographers interrupt them and she thinks it was all for publicity. She leaves angrily. After the filming of the movie is concluded, Pastora goes to the airport to return to Spain but Pablo stops her at the last minute and true love wins out. In Spanish No Subtitles La cantante gitana Pastora (Sevilla) llega de Espaa a Mxico acompaada de sus tos y su prima para filmar una pelcula con el mariachi Pablo (Infante) en el papel principal. Este va a recogerla al aeropuerto e inmediatamente nace la antipata entre los dos. Ms tarde, las cosas cambian cuando cantan en la Plaza Garibaldi. Justo cuando Pablo la va a besar, los fotgrafos los interrumpen y Pastora, pensando que todo haba sido un ardid publicitario, se enoja y se va. Al terminar la filmacin de la pelcula, Pastora se va al aeropuerto para volver a Espaa, pero en el ltimo instante, Pablo la detiene para que el amor verdadero gane al final. In Spanish No Subtitles
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