Chushingura - Where to Enjoy a Free Movie Download Online
Chushingura- To begin, this movie has a great beginning; it pulled me right into it.This is something not usually seen in movies of this type, so it makes it an unusual, yet pleasant experience.The action scenes are really great. Koshiro Matsumoto played his role great. Yuzo Kayama actually caught my interest.
I think Koshiro Matsumoto and Yuzo Kayama worked wonderful in Chushingura. The great supporting cast includes Koshiro Matsumoto, Yuzo Kayama, Tatsuya Mihashi, Akira Takarada, Yosuke Natsuki.
All in all, I would rate this movie an 8.5/10. I would definitely watch this movie again.
I left some information, immages, and video previews of Chushingura below.
Summary of Chushingura:
For two hundred years, no other story has captured the hearts and imagination of the Japanese people more than "Chushingura." When Lord Asano is forced by a corrupt lord to commit hara kiri, forty-seven loyal samurai seek vengeance. Often referred to as the "Gone with the Wind" of the Japanese cinema, "Chushingura" is an unparalleled example of the true samurai spirit.

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I think Koshiro Matsumoto and Yuzo Kayama worked wonderful in Chushingura. The great supporting cast includes Koshiro Matsumoto, Yuzo Kayama, Tatsuya Mihashi, Akira Takarada, Yosuke Natsuki.
All in all, I would rate this movie an 8.5/10. I would definitely watch this movie again.
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I left some information, immages, and video previews of Chushingura below.
Summary of Chushingura:
For two hundred years, no other story has captured the hearts and imagination of the Japanese people more than "Chushingura." When Lord Asano is forced by a corrupt lord to commit hara kiri, forty-seven loyal samurai seek vengeance. Often referred to as the "Gone with the Wind" of the Japanese cinema, "Chushingura" is an unparalleled example of the true samurai spirit.
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